Gold from the USADA Bonus DVD


Storified by norbs · Wed, Oct 10 2012 23:11:10

From an IM between Vaughters and Andreu as part of USADA evidence…
Levi didn’t mince words.
LA never tested positive – "Hincapie alerted him and Armstrong dropped out of the race to avoid being tested, the report said."norbs
Mr Owl is not happy. #livestrongnorbs
George might want to address this email with more then just a press release Maybe a phone call?Race Radio
How many lies did Lance tell under oath in the SCA case? Perjury much? Will SCA get the 7.5mill back?norbs
People need to separate what Lance did on a bike and what he does with Livestrong. Because he fights cancer, doesn’t mean he isn’t a cheat!norbs

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